What We Deliver

WESTFORCE approaches all shows and events with the same mind frame and professional approach. Any potential issues or concerns are communicated with event staff/tour managers to our Supervisors and viceversa. Our Supervisors are aware of any anomalies that may be present from the extensive walk through of the building before the doors are open to the public. Any potential threats and issues are relayed by Supervisors to guards so everyone is made aware. Our guards are also cognizant of any issues which would be quickly relayed to Supervisors and taken care of immediately. Any issues or concerns for events and concerts are dealt with well before the doors open.

Our guards deal with potentially difficult patrons regularly. Any intoxication or potential problems are identified by gate staff and relayed immediately to Supervisors. Supervisors can assess whether the patron is a danger to themselves or anyone one else. They can, with the direction of PFFC facility management if necessary, deal with these patrons off to the side away from the flow of traffic.

Security companies can sometimes face difficulties with deployment of large show, however WESTFORCE has demonstrated in the past with larger venues, that it is not an issue for us and can easily cover any event. Our scheduling and call-in procedures allow us to quickly and efficiently deploy guards at a moments notice so no lack of coverage occurs.

Besides our meetings on a regular basis with PFFC staff for every event, Our Supervisors de-brief with all guard’s post-event to discuss any potential issues they have dealt with. Hearing about positive interactions and methods to deal with situations helps everyone, and constant communication with our Supervisors allows them to adjust or rectify the way a situation was handled.

On the first Monday of every month, the Supervisors have a general meeting to discuss upcoming events and any potential problems that may occur. Our guards are aware of most issues they may have to face well before even stepping on the property.

WESTFORCE also provides a quarterly client satisfaction survey to be filled out by the facility manager. This survey allows the facility manager to raise any concerns with staff and/or WESTFORCE management. WESTFORCE management and Supervisors are in constant communication with facility managers so any concerns or issues are always communicated.